4 Common Spring Roof Problems in Green Bay (And What to Do About Them)

Apr 11, 2023 | Blog, Green Bay, Spring Roof Damage, Spring Roof Problems



What a wonderful feeling to be able to open the windows of our homes in Green Bay and let some fresh springtime air inside! It is also a pleasant experience to venture outdoors without boots, a hat, gloves, and a winter coat. We begin to see the little bulbs planted last fall peek through the barren ground where piles of snow once was. The children are excited to pull out their bikes and ride around in the driveways. And neighbors greet one another after a long chilly winter.

Ah…. Springtime in Wisconsin! 

Along with putting the snowblower away, and tuning up the lawnmower, take the time to investigate the condition of your roofs and make sure it’s ready for the upcoming spring season. What are four things to look out for?

Curled or Buckled Shingles

Shingles can warp and split due to cold temperatures, especially on the edges of a roof. Secondly, moisture from springtime rainstorms, may not allow a roof to fully dry out. Take the time to remove any wet, damp areas of leaves and pine needles before damage can occur to the shingles or critters build a nest in them. An annual inspection will determine if any shingles need to be replaced from the harsh winter storms.

trusted spring roof damage repair in Green Bay

Clean the Gutters

Believe it or not, the gutter system plays a vital role in a healthy roof. Be sure to inspect the condition of the gutters when you look at the roof. If there is any debris buildup in the gutter system, this is a perfect time to clean them out and make sure water flows freely. The spring rains will be upon the rooftops soon, and there needs to be a place for all of that water to flow to. 

If you don’t have gutters guards, perhaps it is wise to consider investing in some. Gutter guards are a mesh or screen used to keep large substances out of the gutter system. Small debris and particles can still filter through, but no more pine needles, nests, or piles of leaves to deal with.

Pests Issues

Which beautifully leads us to pests. Those little critters are adorable in nature, but certainly not when they raise their families on or on a roof! Many small animals come out of hibernation in the spring and are ready for food and creating nests. Look out for evidence of squirrels, mice, ants, raccoons, or birds making their little home in your home. 

Failed Sealants

Many roofing materials contract and expand slightly due to the changes in seasons. Sealants should be inspected to make sure they can withstand another warm season. Sealants surround the rooftop flashing and protecting it from water sneaking and damaging the surfaces underneath. Many times it is hard for the homeowner to determine if the sealants are still strong enough to protect. This is an excellent opportunity to contact a roofing professional in Green Bay who can detect the quality of the sealant.  

A thorough inspection in the spring will prepare your roof for an enjoyable spring and summer ahead. This is a perfect time to address any issues and make sure all is sound and secure. If you have any questions or concerns about the inspection and evaluation of your roof, please do not hesitate to contact Vanguard Solutions Roofing & Siding in Green Bay. Choose Peace of Mind when you call on us!   


Hire a Roofing Team You Can Rely On

From the initial inspection to project completion, Vanguard Roofing & Siding is here for you every step of the way. We are proud of our attention to detail, in both our craft and our customer service. If you want to build a roof over your head that provides peace of mind, contact us today for a free inspection!